
Welcome to the Devblog for the Fumos site


Lack of Motivation, nothing in a month

There goes my hope of not losing interest. To be fair, its not that I have lost it, more I have no motivation to act on it. Something I really struggle with is keeping momentum, whether it be exercise, hobbies or work. I have made a few changes since the last post, the most recent being the reorganisation of this page. From now on, all new posts will be at the top.

For a while I have wondered what to do with this site. I wanted it to be dynamic, filled with my ramblings but now I am not sure. It may still end up with my doomposting but I am not sure. One thing I wanted to try was using a desginer to create the pages instead of raw coding. It may help me to "Visualise" my changes. I have an old BTEC blog I made in Serif that I might put up, just as an example.
I do have one idea, based on the name of the site, which is to rank the fumos I own in a mini database. Something cute like that.
I will update this site and it is not abandoned, I just need to figure some stuff out.


Progress in look and feel as well as my knowledge

I may make these updates weekly as daily updates will clog up the page. I may try to figure out how to condense these.
So far, I managed sort out a side bar. After a ton of trial and error, the main page has a side bar which for now will have links, stamps and blinkies. It took a long time to figure out. It ended up to the right, top, stacked and then finally, I got it to where I want. God knows if I can repeat that.
I changed my banner on the fumo shrine but I may create a gallery instead. I need to work out how to get thumbnails to work and then link to the larger images or maybe watermark them and purposely make them worse quality
I added a few extra links on the nav bar but they dont go anywhere yet.
I am also considering paying the 5 dollars to link my domain and get more storage


Resolving issues

Lists are fixed. After realising I could put a class before the li element in the CSS file, such as ".nav li", I was able to only apply what I needed to the nav bar and not affect any other lists in the web page.
I also managed to add that white background for the content on the main page. I simply added a background to a new class called indexcontent or something and then put all of my content in that class.
All of my code is probably super bad but it works for now and I can work with my mess. Fumo shrine is also taking shape. I added a few images in to a table. Cant center it but at the moment, its not important. The images can be opened in full form with righjt click open in new tab but I want to get them to open when clicked soon. I plan to add a side bar and a few other pages. My progress so far has inspired me greatly


Getting lost in code

First off, the blog section should look different. I am writing this in the HTML file so I won't know yet. Each date should be a title and then a small subtitle.
The site is looking much better. Last night I stayed up later than I should have to figure stuff out. I managed to make a nav bar that indents when hovered over. I was more tired than I liked as I managed to break the nav bar multiple times before I got it right. One thing I did notice is that all my lists are now broken. I will need to figure that one out.
My next task is to get a background for the content while still having the main background. I hope I don't get too frustrated and quit. I have never felt this out of my depth before.


Some progress made

After some googling and playing around, I managed to make the background and center the page. The border was a nice addition but I may remove it as It doesnt fit with what I want. I also want to find out how to seperate certain parts of the CSS so I can manuever only certain portions around but thats a while off yet. Maybe one day, I will be able to create what I want but I am happy with the two days of progress, I must admit. I am also annotating my code so I know what does what. After playing around, I managed to get classes working and work out how classes are referenced. I also managed to center only the title in the end and get a button to link to my Devblog


Birth of the devblog page

I know nothing about HTML other than the Basics and CSS scares me. Seeing the site in raw form fills me with anxiety that I wont be able to make it look nice